
MAVATECH products offers an interoperable decontamination process with various decontaminants, including new biologically disposal Biodecon. Common chemistry-based liquids and emulsions are largely used for CBRN challenges. MAVATECH E-96 is one of the most efficient decontamination emulsions, developed in cooperation with Finnish Defence Force.

Decontamination of protective gears, vehicles and material

Personnel decontamination

MAVATECH decontamination products and procedures are interoperable with various skin decontaminants – for example RSDL, Fuller’s earth and Dutch Powder.

Fully compatible CBRN decontamination procedures for all level personnel decontamination

Military forces and other authorities throughout the world use decontaminants to reduce the hazard after a CBRN incident. The main decontamination activities will depend upon the CB agent used and the extent of the attack. Most of the currently available technologies for destroying chemical warfare agents are liquid products. MAVA E96 Decontamination emulsion is based on Finnish research and development and it is used by authorities all over the Europe.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.