Decontamination shower systems

MAVATECH decontamination showers are comprehensive solution to environmentally friendly CBRN decontamination. Showers has waste management system and minimalized water consumption. Air liftable showers meets the requirements of international standards and are designed for personnel, protective gears and K-9 decontamination tasks.

Personnel decontamination showers

High readiness CBRN decontamination systems from immediate to thorough personnel decontamination

MAVATECH decontamination showers are comprehensive solution for demanding field operations. Decontamination showers are portable and rapidly deployed to incident scene. The lightest model weight is only 22 kg and assembly take five minutes. MAVA 350 series is a complete decontamination system, which includes waste management system and user-friendly warm shower water. No need to export licence according to EU YUTP 2014/C 107/01.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.