/ Decontamination solutions / Rescue and first responders
Emergency services face the everyday CBRN incidents and are first on the scene. CBRN-related incidents occur daily, most of them chemical accidents. For example, in Finland 300 times yearly. It means that emergency authorities use CBRN-countermeasures all most every day – including the need of decontamination of personnel, material and infrastructure.
The primary response in case of a CBRN incident comes from the fire brigade, the police and the medical first response organization. Protocols for handling of suspected parcels, operational small scale personal decontamination and seek shelter or evacuate have been drafted by authorities and will be put in service. The response organization includes systems for up-scaling, communication and decision support. Procurement of necessary decontamination material must be done advance.
Oil-spill prevention tasks belong to fire brigades’ responsibilities. Tasks require decontamination readiness and mobile, even portable decontamination systems for first responders. Mavatech decontamination products are designed to oil-spill prevention tasks and product range includes also special shoe decontamination spot.
MAVATECH offers capabilities to handle contaminated patients from immediate to thorough decontamination. All MAVATECH Decontamination systems include the collection of used water and decontaminants – from field showers to decontamination containers.
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